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Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20121. العيون وأثرها  في غزوات الرسول محمدثاير نومان مسير
2010(1988-2002) استخدام وتكييف نماذج إحصائية قياسية على الاقتصاد العراقي للفترةهشام فرعون عبد اللطيف; خالد طه عبد الكريم; هيثم يعقوب يوسف
20162-DPR: A Novel, High Performance Cache Replacement AlgorithmSafana Hyder Abbas* & Salam Ayad Hussein**
2012-07-012-DPR: A Novel, High Performance Cache Replacement AlgorithmSafana Hyder Abbas, Salam Ayad Hussein
20152013 دراسة الخواص الكيميائية والفيزيائية لمياه بعض الآبار الجوفية ومدى تلويثها في مدينة سامراء لعامرعد محمود نصيف; محمود علي جواد
20152D-FEM for Assessment of Slope StabilityJasim M Abbas
2023( 2٠٢١) التباين المكاني للمؤشرات الاقتصادية للتنمية الحضرية ضمن احياء مدينة الخالص لعامرجاء خليل, احمد; حسين عبيد عباس, جواد
2013-01-01300Å , 1500Å بأسماك ZnO تأثير زمن التشعيع بأشعة كاما على فجوة الطاقة البصرية للغشاء الرقيقأسماء أحمد عزيز
2013-03-01(A 36 ASTM ) دراسة تأثیر الحركة الترددیة على معدل البلى الجاف و الرطب والبنیة المجهریة للفولاذ الإنشائي نوعمحمد عبد اللطیف أحمد
20175220 التحليل النظري لتأثير خشونة السطح على الأداء الهيدروديناميكي للمحامل نوععلي خالد محمد علي
201354عناصـــــر التحــــــويل فــــي المقتضب للمبــــــرِّد (ت285هـ)الاستاذ المساعد الدكتــــور بشائر علي عبد عباس نصـــيف جاســــم محمد الخفاجـــي
20125Theta-Criterion and the Reconstruction of Two Arabic Verses into English: A Translational Perspectiveأ.م علي عبدالله محمود
20125Theta-Criterion and the Reconstruction of Two Arabic Verses into English: A Translational Perspective نظرية العلاقات المعنوية وتأثيرها في ترجمة بيتين من الشعر العربي إلى اللغة الانجليزيةأ.م علي عبدالله محمود
20107أثر العلاقات الحدودية بين العراق وإيران في إعادة التوزيع الإداري للمدن الحدوديةأ.م.سوسن صبيح حمدان
20108The study of chromosomal aberrations in mice infested with radiated and non-radiated protoscolices of Echinococcus sanulosus .Asst.Dr.Samer Hussein Al-samarrae, Asst.Dr.Ahamed Jassim Molmmed Al-Bayaati; Asst.Dr.shellac Ahmed Lafi Al-Anbar
2022-04Abdominal Migraine among Children in Diyala ProvinceDhay Shihab Khleel; Nadhim Ghazal Noaman; Hailah Othman Habeeb; Falah Mokheiber Mostafa
2014-12Abnormal Urinalysis in Acute AppendicitisAthraa Kahtan Azez; Talib Jawad Kazim; Mukdad Fuaad Abdul_alkareem
2013-04Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: a Histopathological StudyNadia Adnan Ghani; Aiad Abdullah Abdulrazak; Ehsan Mahmood Abdullah
2022ABSTRACT In order to have best performance of leaf spring, a study was conducted to replace the conventional steel leaf spring that used in vehicle by composite materials. This thesis focused on describe about design and analysis of hybrid composite leaf spring. A rear leaf spring for a "Toyota" is regarded for this purpose, and three materials are employed to fabricate the leaf springs. The matrix material was epoxy, while the reinforced materials were E-glass and carbon. Composite materials have a good corrosion resistance, a high strength to weight ratio, and high elastic strain energy storage capacity. So aim of this research is to investigate the structural properties of a hybrid leaf spring which made of (95% Epoxy with 5% carbon), (95% Epoxy with 5%glass fiber), and (95% Epoxy with 5% of hybrid composite 2.5% of carbon and 2.5% of glass fiber). In this study, Hand Lay-up technique was used in the fabrication of leaf spring due to its advantages (low cost tooling and simplest method) over the other methods. The effectiveness of the proposed composite leaf spring was evaluated by implementing the mechanical tests, which were Tensile, Impact, Hardness, Fatigue, Damping and Flexural. The experimental results recorded an improvement in the mechanical properties when the reinforcing fibers are used as well as the best results were obtained by hybrid reinforcement. Finite Element method was employed based on ANSYS software to simulate the leaf spring part. The linear isotropic model was chosen to determine stresses, deformations, and fatigue life when an internal static load is applied. Finally, the results proved that the hybrid composite materials have the ability to carry the load-applied leaf spring without failure and with minimum deflection and long fatigue lifeلونا صباح كريم