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dc.contributor.authorAsmaa Sh Mahmood-
dc.contributor.authorSuhad M. Abd-
dc.contributor.authorIsam S. Mhaimeed-
dc.description.abstractAn alternative reinforcing shear technique was proposed during this work in place of the traditional vertical stirrups. Three reinforced concrete beams with dimensions of (200 * 300) mm and a length of 1800 mm were used. A reference control beam with traditional vertical stirrups (RCWS) and two beams reinforced with flamingo with a fixed angle of 45° and free ends (50% and 50%) from effective depth were used, while the main variable was the bonding process with concrete using a screw head (FWS) and hook (FWH). In the flamingo technique, the hook was used and the screw head was used at an equal angle of 130 degrees. A significant improvement was found in the shear capacity of the beam compared to the reference sample. Also, using a screw head made the shear capacity 13.22% higher than using a hook and improved the shear ductility, final deflection, and crushing behavior of beams made with the flamingo technique.en_US
dc.publisherUniversity of Diyala – College of Engineeringen_US
dc.subjectScrew Headen_US
dc.subjectFlamingo Techniqueen_US
dc.titleEffect of Screw Head- and Hook-on Bond Behavior of Flamingo Shear Reinforcing Technique in Concreteen_US
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الهندسية / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences (DJES)

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