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Title: Real-Time Simulation for Protection and Substation Control with Matlab / Simulink
Authors: Jamal A. Hameed
Keywords: Hardware-In-The-Loop (HIL)
Protection Devices
Simulation RTs
Software-In- The-Loop (SIL)
MATLAB /Simulink
PC Target
Issue Date: 2016
Publisher: University of Diyala – College of Engineering
Abstract: This paper presents the design of a simple real-time simulator to protection electrical power system tests, whose the operation principle is based on closed feedback in the loop. The hardware system has a series results from scientific projects carried out at the Protection and Control Laboratory of electrical power system. Models interface supports MATLAB / Simulink control system, and LabVIEW interface, and others. This gives not only Simulink, but also provides full support for any test software in real time, which uses the same interface. To run in the Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation and the model has a measurement of the variables of the devices, whose receive the calculated variables in the form of mathematics. Testing has an integral part of modern controller development. Hardware-in-the-Loop (HIL) simulation plays a prominent role as test method. In HIL, the implemented controller is tested against a computer model of the process. Besides the communication between simulation and controller, HIL requires their synchronization.Besides the communication between simulation and controller, the program is based on the MATLAB / Simulink package including libraries, while the hardware installed measuring cards segment consists in PC computers, amplifier CMS 156 dedicated and matching circuit.The last section of this article and a brief description of possible improvements expected for simulation in the future. The study involves xPC Target as a real time operating system in charge of executing a control task is focusing on the built in control and simulation capabilities. We will try to see how accurate and how fit xPC Target is for multiple Targets control, here the xPC Target is used as an operating environment for real time simulation in electrical power sub stations system.
ISSN: 1999-8716
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم الهندسية / Diyala Journal of Engineering Sciences (DJES)

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