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Title: تحليل الخصائص الكمية لطريق بغداد – المنذرية في محافظة ديالى
Other Titles: Analysis of the quantitative characteristics of the Baghdad-Mandhiriya road in Diyala governorate
Authors: ا.د.عبد الامير عباس, الحيالي
م.م.جعفر علي, عبد الرحيم
Keywords: طريق
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: جامعة ديالى / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
Abstract: لقد شهدت الجغرافية بشكل عام وجغرافيا النقل بشكل خاص تطورا كبيرا في منتصف القرن الماضي , اذ بدا استخدام الاساليب الكمية ودخولها في مجال العلوم الاخرى , لا سيما في نظرية الشبكات اذ دخلت الى مجال العلوم الهندسية حيث جردة الشبكة الى خطوط مستقيمة تتفرع من العقد وتتلاقى فيها . ولا شك ان تحليل بنية شبكات النقل له جانب كبير من الاهمية حيث ان هذه الشبكات تمثل انعكاس للتطور الاقتصادي الذي توصل اليه اي اقليم , وتعرف بخصائص الشبكة يمثل انعكاس لتطور المظاهر المكانية في النظام الاقتصادي والاجتماعي لأي اقليم , اذ ان التعرف بخصائص هيكل الشبكة تساعد على فهم ادق لمدى كفاءة طريق بغداد - المنذرية رقم (5) في محافظة ديالى . لذا تناول هذا البحث الخصائص الكمية لطريق بغداد – المنذرية رقم (5) في محافظة ديالى من حيث مستوى الاتصالية بين العقد عبر الطريق وامكانية الوصول الى العقد والمركزية الحضرية عبر الطريق رقم (5) ودرجة ترابط الشبكة فضلا عن مؤشر انعطاف الطريق السلبي والايجابي . اذ تضمن البحث امكانية الوصول لعقد الشبكة حسب مؤشر عدد الوصلات ودور الطريق رقم (5) بعدد الوصلات بين العقد بشكل مباشر , كما اظهر البحث مستوى الاتصالية والارتباط بين عقدة الشبكة والانحراف السلبي والايجابي للطريق ودورها في الكفاءة الخدمية وكفاءة الطريق الفنية Geography in general and transportation geography in particular witnessed a great development in the middle of the last century, as the use of quantitative methods began and their entry into the field of other sciences, especially in network theory, as it entered the field of engineering sciences, where the network was abstracted into straight lines branching from the nodes and converging in them. There is no doubt that the analysis of the structure of transport networks is of great importance, as these networks represent a reflection of the economic development reached by any region, and the network characteristics are known as a reflection of the development of spatial manifestations in the economic and social system of any region, as identifying the characteristics of the network structure helps to understand More accurate for the efficiency of Baghdad - Munthiriya No. (5) in Diyala Governorate. Therefore, this research dealt with the quantitative characteristics of Baghdad-Mundhiriya Road No. (5) in Diyala Governorate in terms of the level of connectivity between nodes via the road, access to nodes, urban centrality via Road No. (5), the degree of network interconnection, as well as the negative and positive road inflection index. The research included the possibility of accessing the network nodes according to the number of links indicator and the role of Road No. (5) by the number of links between nodes directly. The research also showed the level of connectivity and correlation between the network node and the negative and positive deviation of the road and its role in service efficiency and technical road efficiency. Geography in general and the geography of transportation in particular witnessed a major development in the middle of the last century, as quantitative methods began to be used and entered in the field of other sciences, especially in the theory of networks as they entered the field of engineering sciences where the network inventory was drawn into straight lines branching from and converging in nodes. There is no doubt that the analysis of the structure of transport networks has a great deal of importance, as these networks represent a reflection of the economic development reached by any region, and are known as the characteristics of the network. It represents a reflection of the development of spatial aspects in the economic and social system of any region, as learning about the characteristics of the network structure helps to understand More accurate is the efficiency of Baghdad-Al-Munthiriyah Road No. 5 in Diyala Governorate . Therefore, this research dealt with the quantitative characteristics of the Baghdad-Al-Munthiriya Road No. 5 in Diyala Governorate in terms of the level of communication between the contract across the road, access to the contract, urban centralization via Road No. 5, the degree of network interconnection, as well as the negative and positive road inflection indicator. The search included access to the network nodes according to the number of links index and the role of the road No. (5) by the number of connections between the nodes directly, as the research showed the level of connectivity and the link between the network node and the negative and positive deviation of a road and its role in the service efficiency of the road and the technical road efficiency
ISSN: p ISSN: 2663-7405
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للبحوث الأنسانية / Diyala Journal for Human Researches

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