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Title: أثر استعمال استرايجية الصف المقلوب في تحصيل طالبات الصف الثاني المتوسط في مادة الرياضيات
Other Titles: The effect of using the flipped classroom strategy on the achievement of second-grade intermediate students in mathematics
Authors: م. م جنان أحمد, رجا
Keywords: الرياضيات
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: جامعة ديالى / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
Abstract: يعد البعض الرياضيات لغة العصر الحديث وأداته الممهدة لانجازات باقي فروع العلم المعروفة ؛ لذلك ازداد الاهتمام بها مؤخرا ؛ وذلك لكونها تهدف إلى تنمية روح الابداع والابتكار لدى المتعلمين وتدريبهم على اساليب الفهم والتلقي ، فضلا على اكسابهم العديد من المهارات الحياتية اللازمة لاجتياز العديد من المواقف . ونظرا لأهمية التحصيل من قبل المتعلمين والقائمين على الفعل التربوي ، فقد عمد المختصون على ايجاد طرق واستراتيجيات تمهد لتفاعل المتعلم من أجل الوصول إلى مخرجات تربوية مرجوة وبما أن لهذه الاستراتيجية المنتقاة من قبل الباحثة الأثر الناجع في تحفيز المتعلمين والحصول على مخرجات تعليمية متميزة ، لذلك فقد ارتأت أن تطبقها في مجتمع محافظة أبكرت الخروج من براثن الارهاب ، وتحاول أن تعود بعجلتها إلى ساحة التواصل المعرفي والتربوي . Some are considered to be modern-day mathematics and its advanced tools for the achievements of the other branches of science known to them. This is why they have become more concerned with them lately, because they aim at developing the spirit of creativity and innovation among the learners and training them in ways of understanding and receiving. Because of the importance of achievement by learners and those who carry out the educational act, specialists have been to find ways and strategies to prepare the interaction of the learner in order to reach the desired educational outputs Since this strategy chosen by the researcher has an effective effect in motivating learners and obtaining excellent educational outcomes, she has decided to apply them in the community of Abkrat governorate to get out of the clutches of terrorism and try to bring her back to the field of knowledge and educational communication. The present study aimed at finding out the effect of the use of the inverted grade strategy in the achievement of second grade students in mathematics. In order to verify the research objectives, the researcher formulated the following zero hypothesis: - There was no statistically significant difference between the average scores of the experimental group and the average score of the female students in the control group. To validate this hypothesis, the researcher conducted an experiment that lasted a full semester. The following procedures were adopted: The experimental design was selected for two equal groups (experimental and control). The researcher chose the middle of the mother of the believers and the statement, which is a day school, within the district of Tikrit, intentionally, as a field of experiment. The sample consisted of 68 students. They were randomized to two experimental groups using the inverted grade strategy, and a female student was taught in the usual manner with 34 students for both groups. For the sake of the integrity of the research, the researcher compensated between the two research groups in some variables that may have an effect on the independent variable such as age, intelligence, - The scientific material of the research was identified in the chapters (6, 7, 8) of the mathematics book scheduled for the second intermediate grade 2016 -2017. (22) a behavioral purpose was determined by which: - Preparation of teaching plans for the two groups. - Preparation of the tools needed for research, where the preparation of a collection test and the (22) test paragraph of the type of multiple choice. After the experiment was completed, the tests were applied and the results were processed statistically using descriptive statistical methods such as scattering parameters, Centralism and correlation coefficients), and indicative tests include T, as well as statistical means of learning as a square Kai, the results showed: 1 - Students of the experimental group over the students of the control group in the collection test. Based on the results, the researcher concluded that the adoption of the inverted classroom strategy has a positive effect on the mathematical concepts of the second intermediate students. In light of this, the researcher presented a number of recommendations in addition to a number of suggestions, including the expansion of the results of this study and its use with stages and other variables.
ISSN: p ISSN: 2663-7405
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للبحوث الأنسانية / Diyala Journal for Human Researches

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