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Title: عيسى بن يونس السُبيعي( ت181هـ ـ 797م) ، دراسة في سيرته الذاتية و العلمية
Other Titles: Issa bin Younis Al-Subaie: Personal Life and Career
Authors: صباح سامي, علوان
ا.د.احمد مطر, خضير
Keywords: السُبيعي
عيسى بن يونس
Issue Date: 2022
Publisher: جامعة ديالى / كلية التربية للعلوم الانسانية
Series/Report no.: 3;92
Abstract: كان لعلماء الامة الاسلامية نتاج علمي واسع منذ نشأتها الاولى على يد خير البشرية سيد الخلق نبي الله محمد (صلى الله عليه واله وسلم) وحتى وقتنا الحاضر، اذ كان للرواة الاخباريين الذين رووا لنا المرويات موضع اهتمام للباحثين في دراساتهم التاريخية ويرجع الفضل لهذه الدراسات الى المؤرخين الذين بدأوا بكتاباتهم للسيرة النبوية والاحداث التاريخية التي وصلت الينا عن طريق الرواة وهم ينقلونها بأسانيدهم عن شيوخهم ومنهم ( عيسى بن يونس السبيعي). The Islamic nation was distinguished by its great history in all scientific fields, especially the valuable efforts made by scientists that contributed to the establishment of this distinguished and great history, and the manuscripts that were found are considered among the most important works of that period because it documented the history of the Islamic nation since the appearance of the Prophet Mohammad, may God bless upon him, until the present time. In fact, this study focused on what was found from previous historical narratives by the efforts of the early historians who started their manuscripts, especially with regard to the fragrant Prophetic biography and its important historical events. Later, the narrators relied directly in transmitting information on those narrations that reached them through these people who transmitted the news with their chains of transmission from their sheikhs to those narrators until it was written down in their books, and then it reached us, and among them was (Issa bin Younis Al-Subaie) who considered one of the important scientists and worthy of being the subject of a study, as this research focused on his personal life and his most important achievement. The research consists of an introduction and two chapters, the first dealt with (Issa bin Younis' Personal Life) and the second focused on (His Journey in seeking knowledge with Examples of His Sheikhs and His Students) and then end with a summary dealing with the most important results that were found in this historical research.
ISSN: p ISSN: 2663-7405
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للبحوث الأنسانية / Diyala Journal for Human Researches

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