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Title: المشكلات التي تعاني منها امهات الصم والبكم وعلاقتها بالتوافق النفسي لديهم
Authors: خنساء عبد الرزاق عبد
Keywords: الامهات - الصم والبكم - التوافق النفسي
Issue Date: Mar-2022
Publisher: جامعة ديالى - مركز أبحاث الطفولة والأمومة
Series/Report no.: 13;1
Abstract: يهدف البحث إلى: - 1 ي منها امهات الإطفال الصم والبكم . – تعا ن ي التعرف على المشكلات ال ت 2 قياس التوافق النف ي د لدى التلاميذ الصم والبكم . - 3 ي منها امهات الصم والبكم وعلى التوافق النف ي د لدى - تعا ن ي التعرف على العلاقة ب ي المشكلات ال ت اطفالهن. لأهداف هذا البحث تم ً وتحقيقا بناء أ ي دا ن البحث وهما استبانة مشكلات امهات الصم والبكم ومقياس والتوافق النف ي د ,وقد تألفت عينة البحث من ) 50 ( ي ام من امهات التلاميذ الصم والبكم ف ي مدينة بعقوبة معهد الإمل للصم والبكم ف . ي باستعمال الإختبار التا ن ً وبعد تحليل البيانات ومعالجتها إحصائيا ي لعينة لعينة واحدة والإختبار التا ن واحدة ومعامل ارتباط ب يسون
Description: The research aims to -: 1. Identifying the problems that mothers of deaf and dumb children suffer from. 2. Measuring the psychological compatibility of deaf and dumb students. 3. To identify the relationship between the problems experienced by deaf and dumb mothers and the psychological adjustment of their children. In order to achieve the objectives of this research, two research tools were built, namely, the identification of the problems of mothers of deaf and dumb and the psychological adjustment scale. After analyzing the data and processing it statistically using a one-sample t-test, a one-sample t-test and Pearson correlation coefficient The research reached the following results -: *Mothers of deaf and dumb children suffer from problems that have a negative impact on their lives, which are different reactions, represented in the presence of feelings of sadness and the loss of a healthy child. *The results showed that the members of the research sample do not have a good level of psychological adjustment, and this indicates the impact of the problems that the mother suffers from on the psychological construction of her child. *The results also showed the existence of a statistically significant relationship between the problems that the mother suffers from and the psychological adjustment of their deaf and dumb children. In light of the research results, the research reached many recommendations and suggestions, including: Conducting a study dealing with the current research variables on other types of handicap, including (visual handicap) *Conducting a study dealing with the relative contribution of some cultural and environmental factors to psychological adjustment. Conducting a study on the impact of early intervention on developing sensory-motor-linguistic skills for deaf and mute children
ISSN: 1998- 6424
Appears in Collections:الكتاب السنوي لمركز ابحاث الطفولة والامومة/ Yearbook of the Childhood and Maternal Research Center

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