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Title: Preliminary Immunization Study of Hyalomma Spp . In Local Breed Rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus)
Authors: Mohammed Jawad, Mazin
Keywords: Hyalomma
Skin Test
immune response
sonicated antigen
Issue Date: 1-سبت-2024
Abstract: Ticks blood-sucking arthropods are of great importance in the fields of veterinary and medical worldwide. This study was aimed to investigate the immune response of Hyalomma spp. ticks (eggs and adults-females) antigens by using fifteen local breed rabbits (Oryctolagus cuniculus) which divided to three groups; first and second groups were immunized by 500μg s/c of sonicated eggs and adults antigens respectively and the third group (control negative) was injected 0.1 ml phosphate buffer saline (PBS) s/c. The first showed good immune responses through the skin tests compared to the second group and both of them than the third group that showed didn’t any immune response. Also for the histopathological changes of the vital organs (spleen, liver and kidneys), the first group showed high mononuclear cellular proliferation and infiltration compared to the other remain groups. This is the preliminary study by using sonicated Hyalomma spp. eggs antigens in local breed rabbit's which showed higher immune response than sonicated adult's females antigen and infiltration ,activation and proliferation of the mononuclear cells in the vital organs.
Appears in Collections:مجلة ديالى للعلوم البيطرية / Diyala Journal for Veterinary Sciences (DJVS)

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