اللغة الانكليزية


Recent Submissions

  • اليمامة قيس يوسف, اسماعيل (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    Robert Browning (1812-1889) was heavily influenced as a youngster by his father's extensive collection of books and art. His father was a bank clerk and collected thousands of books, some of which were hundreds of years ...
  • لقاء حبيب عبود علي, العبيدي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    The Grammar-Translation Method is not new. It has had different names, but it has been used by language teachers for many years. At one time it was called the Classical Method since it was first used in the teaching of ...
  • لقاء حبيب عبود علي, العبيدي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    The Audio-Lingual Method, like the Direct Method we have just examined, is also an oral-based approach. However, it is very different, in that rather than emphasizing vocabulary acquisition through exposure to its use ...
  • لقاء حبيب عبود علي, العبيدي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    As with the Grammar-Translation Method, the Direct Method is not new. Its principles have been applied by language teachers for many years. Most recently, it was revived as a method when the goal of instruction became ...
  • احمد عادل نوري جمعه, العاني (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    The language barrier is no longer the hurdle that it once was. In fact, AI translations are making it easier than ever before for people to connect and communicate across the globe. AI translation also has many business ...
  • احمد عادل نوري جمعه, العاني (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    Types of translation may includes Oral Translation which is is a translation of sounding spoken language on a real time basis. It allows carrying out of productive communication between representatives of various language ...
  • احمد عادل نوري جمعه, العاني (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    TRANSLITERATION: It is meant the replacement of source language letters ( i.e. graphological units ) by non-equivalent target language letters, based on a set of conventionally established rules. Also, Transliteration ...
  • احمد عادل نوري جمعه, العاني (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    A dictionary (also called a wordstock, word reference, wordbook, lexicon, or vocabulary) is a collection of words in one or more specific languages, often listed alphabetically, with usage information, definitions, ...
  • احمد عادل نوري جمعه, العاني (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    As a subject, translation is generally used to refer to all the processes and methods used to transfer the meaning of the source language text into the target language, by means of using: (1) words which already have an ...
  • ايمان رياض اديب (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
  • ايمان رياض اديب (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
  • شهد محمد يحيى راضي, المجمعي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    In English literature the 17 th century is categorized into the Jacobean Period (1603–1625), the Late Renaissance (1625–1660), and the Restoration Age (1660–1700).
  • زينب سعد محمد هادي, المصلحي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
  • زينب سعد محمد هادي, المصلحي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
  • قيصر صافي, هادي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    The present simple tense is a grammatical tense used to describe actions or states that are currently happening, habitual actions, general truths, or facts. It is one of the most basic and commonly used tenses in English.
  • زينب عباس جواد حسون, السعدي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    The testing of usage and use assesses the students grammatical competence as well as his active control of sentences structure.Knowlege of grammatical structure is necessary to be mastered by students.
  • زينب عباس جواد حسون, السعدي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    Reading is a key skill for every teacher of English language.It is a complex skill that include both bottom- up skills which mean recognizing and making sense of letters , words and sentences, and top- down process that ...
  • زينب عباس جواد حسون, السعدي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    This technique is a productive one as the students are asked to use certain words in meaningful sentences or to show the differences in meaning between pairs of words by using them in different sentences .
  • زينب عباس جواد حسون, السعدي (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    They are questions that require the testees to write down specific answers in spaces provided on the question paper.This technique is very useful for testing both reading and listening comprehension. In this type the testees ...
  • أمجد لطيف, عبد (University of Diyala جامعة ديالى, 2024)
    Scene 1 serves as the setting and introduction to the play with the functions of: A: introducing some of the characters. B: preparing audience and readers to accept and understand Elizabethan beliefs. C: presenting ...

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